Accessibility statement

Ashleigh Kruger

MSc by research


Thesis Title & Description

Understanding the barriers that older adults face when engaging with video games and how to mitigate them.

  • Supervisors: Sanjit Samaddar, Abi Evans

This research aims to understand the barriers that older adults face with adopting digital gaming as a hobby, in order to propose solutions to facilitate more inclusive design practices that can be put into use when creating digital games. By developing an in-depth understanding of the experiences older adults have when playing digital games, accurate guidelines can be produced in order to encourage and promote the future design of video games that not only provide a more usable and accessible experience for older adults, but that are fun and appealing as well.



I completed my undergraduate in Interactive Media (BSc) at the University of York, graduating in 2023. My undergraduate degree thesis looked at understanding the problems that older adults have with adopting technology usage independently and using co-design methods to explore this. This research has been published.

Currently I am working on my MSc in Interactive Media. My research is looking at understanding the barriers that older adults face when engaging with video games and how to mitigate them.

Outside of university, I have worked in UX in the video games industry for the past 2 years.



Human computer interaction, Inclusive design, Co-design methods, Older Adults, Accessibility, Game Design.



Kruger, A., and Samaddar, S., 2023, September, Increasing independence for older adults who need technology support.


Contact details

Ashleigh Kruger
Postgraduate Researcher
School of Arts and Creative Technologies