I am a creative technologist working as a researcher, lecturer, freelancer, and artist.
At the University of York, I work on the Enhancing Audio Description II (EADII) with Professor Mariana López. My key responsibilities for this AHRC-funded project include conducting literature reviews, leading workshops, organising events, engaging with organisations and participants, designing experiments, conducting qualitative and quantitative data analysis, web design and maintenance, photography, audio-visual production, and co-authoring journal articles.
Besides working on the EAD project, my doctoral research developed brain-computer music interfaces for meditation, in which I link neurofeedback to auditory entrainment in generative soundscapes inspired by shamanic journeying. I have also been teaching music technology-related subjects (e.g. sonic art, sensor technology and music for the moving image) as an associate lecturer at the Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, and the University of Bedfordshire. Currently, I teach a module on critical thinking (sense making) and digital identities at the School of Philosophy and Arts History at the University of Essex. As a freelancer and artist, I have been producing sound design and music, websites and visual art, including photography and paintings.
For more information please visit https://khofstadter.com/.
My key research interests are around the following domains:
- brain-computer music interfacing
- meditation
- shamanism
- sound design and music
- auditory entrainment
- film sound
- animal rights
PhD Thesis:
Hofstädter, K. 2022. Developing brain-computer music interfaces for meditation. Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge School of Creative Industries.
Peer-reviewed publications:
López, M., Kearney, G. and Hofstädter, K. 2021. Enhancing Audio Description: Inclusive Cinematic Experiences Through Sound Design in Journal of Audiovisual Translation. DOI: 10.1177/0264619620935935
López, M., Kearney, G. and Hofstädter, K. 2020. Seeing films through sound: Sound design, spatial audio, and accessibility for visually impaired audiences, British Journal of Visual Impairment, DOI: 10.1177/0264619620935935
López, M., Kearney, G. and Hofstädter, K. & Balla, G. 2020. Enhancing audio description: accessible filmmaking, sound design and the importance of educating filmmakers. Media Practice and Education, 21:4, 289-304, DOI: 10.1080/25741136.2020.1832830
López, M., Kearney, G. and Hofstädter, K. 2018. Audio Description in the UK: What works, what doesn’t, and understanding the need for personalising access. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 36(3), pp. 274–291. DOI: 10.1177/0264619618794750
Selected presentations/demonstrations/
Hofstädter, K. 2019. NeuroMeditation with Music (presentation and a brain-computer music interfacing performance) at 2019 Festival of Ideas, ARU, Cambridge.
Ryan, D. et al 2019. Aphorisms (live sound design and engineering). Performed at ARU, Music Department.
Hofstädter, K. 2019. Demonstration of Brain-Computer Music Interfacing Soundscape - Generative Rhythmic Entrainment at Audio Engineering Society International Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio, York.
Hofstädter, K. 2018. Brain-Computer Music Interfacing for Meditation (The Archive and the Contested Landscape) at 2018 Festival of Ideas, ARU, Cambridge.
Hofstädter, K. 2018. Brain-Computer Music Interfacing for Meditation at Qujing University, Yunnan, China.
Hofstädter, K. 2018. A Brain-Computer Music Software Interface (BCMI) for Mindfulness at StoryLab Symposium, Cambridge Institute for Music Therapy Research, ARU, Cambridge.
Hofstädter, K. 2018. Software Interface (BCMI) for Mindfulness (presentation) at Multilingual Conference, University of Essex, Colchester.
Hofstädter, K. 2017. Focus Neurogame for Meditation and Performance (demonstration and workshop) at Clip Sound, Firstsite Museum and Gallery,
Hofstädter, K. 2016. Brain-Computer Music Interfacing Software Development for Well-being at Musedelica Symposium, University of Sussex, Brighton.
Hofstädter, K. 2016. Brain-Computer Music Interfacing for Stress Management (poster) at ARU Research Conference, Chelmsford.
Hofstädter, K. 2016. Compulsive Music Waves / Deciphering Addictions (audio-video installation) at Pint of Science Festival, St Barnabas Church, Cambridge.
Hofstädter, K. 2011. Strophic Variables (installation) at FUTURE FLUXUS event, part of Visualise Cambridge events series.
Digital Performance Laboratory, 2009. BCMI-0. A brain-computer interface using sound and servo motors with Arduino [installation] at HCI2009 Open House Festival of Interactive Technology, Cambridge, Microsoft Research Centre.
Olofsson, F. & Hofstädter, K., 2019. Openbci-supercollider - SuperCollider code for EEG acquisition, noise reduction, feature extraction and classification. Available at: https://github.com/krisztian-
Audio releases:
Music albums linked to my doctoral research, work with theatre and game developers and experiments combining genres of electronica and traditional music can be found at https://tedor.bandcamp.com/.
An up-to-date info can be found at https://khofstadter.com/.