
1. HoD Allowance

Heads of Department will receive an allowance of £10,500 per annum for the duration of their term as Head of Department. The Head of Department allowance is pensionable and will be paid monthly in addition to their substantive salary.

The level of allowance will be reviewed annually and adjusted by the National Pay Award, with any change effective from 01 August.

At the end of a Head of Department's term, the allowance will cease.

2. Annual pay and promotion opportunities

Heads of Department will also be eligible for the National Pay Award effective from 1 August each year.

Those whose substantive grade is within Professorial Band 1 will continue to receive any increments they are entitled to.

Heads of Department who are at grade 8 or Reader level will be able to apply for promotion via the annual academic promotions process (if eligible).

HoDs on a professorial grade will be able to apply for a promotion or a pay review through the annual professorial review process (in line with the stipulated eligibility criteria).

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  • Approved on: 31 May 2015
  • Last reviewed and updated: 20 September 2023