1. Policy Statement

1.1 The University Strategy 2014-20 outlines our commitment to embedding the principles of equality and diversity in everything we do.

1.2 The University is committed to the principle of equal pay for all our staff.

1.3 The University recognises that equal pay between men and women is a legal right under UK law as enshrined in the Equal Pay Act 1970.

1.4 The University also aims to eliminate any bias in our pay systems in relation to the other protected characteristics identified in the Equality Act 2010.

1.5 We recognise that in order to achieve equal pay for members of staff doing equal work, we should operate a pay system that is transparent, based on objective criteria and free from bias.

1.6 The University's pay and grading structures are underpinned by robust processes designed to measure the relative value of roles in a consistent, transparent and fair way.

2. Objectives

2.1 Our objectives are to:

  • have a fair and transparent reward system
  • eliminate any unfair, unjust or unlawful practices that impact on pay
  • take appropriate remedial action

2.2 To achieve these objectives we will:

  • maintain systematic role evaluation schemes which incorporate the principles of equal pay
  • carry out regular equal pay reviews and take appropriate action to resolve issues identified and communicate this to all our staff
  • provide guidance for managers involved in decisions about recruitment, pay - including starting salaries - benefits and promotions
  • respond promptly to any complaints in relation to equal pay
  • work in partnership with our trade union representatives to ensure equality in pay and benefits

2.3 In addition to complying with the statutory requirement (April 2017) on gender pay reporting to show any pay gap between male and female employees, the University undertakes a broader equal pay review every two years. In addition to gender, the equal pay review will consider other protected characteristics where sufficient data is held on the workforce.

2.4 The results of the equal pay review are analysed and published on the HR website along with a specific action plan to address any equal and/or gender pay gaps.

3. Definitions

3.1 Equal pay applies for like work, work rated as equivalent and work of equal value as defined below:

  • like work - the same or broadly similar work
  • work rated as equivalent - different work, but rated as equivalent under the same job evaluation scheme
  • work of equal value - different work, but of equal values in terms of demands such as effort, skill and decision-making

3.2 The gender pay gap is a measure of the difference between men's and women's average earnings.

4. Complaints

4.1 If a member of staff has a complaint about equal pay they should, in the first instance, speak to their line manager, Head of Department or Dean who will consult with the HR Adviser.

4.2 If these informal steps do not resolve the issue, the member of staff has recourse to the University's grievance procedure.

5. Monitoring

5.2 Equal pay will be monitored through the University's equal pay review which is conducted every two years and implementation of the associated action plan.

6. Responsibilities

6.1 The Director of HR is responsible for ensuring that the University's employment policies and practices comply with equal pay legislation.

6.2 The University Executive Board is responsible for overseeing the equal pay review and sign off of the associated action plan

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  • Last reviewed: 31 August 2017