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Things to know this week - 24 October 2022

Posted on 24 October 2022

Welcome to your student news summary of key things happening across the University this week.

UoY community update

Cost of Living Ambassadors now in role
As part of our commitment to helping with cost of living pressures, we are delighted to announce that we now have 11 student Cost of Living Ambassadors (COLA), one in each college. Your COLA will be at college events and running regular drop-ins where you can speak to them about money saving information and resources, how to use Blackbullion (our new financial education platform) and for help in accessing specialist support if you need it. Contact them if you are struggling with the cost of living or have suggestions of what else can be done to help.

1. Sleep well to be well

From balancing your mood to improving your capacity for learning, getting enough sleep is important and you should aim for between seven and nine hours of sleep a night. Having trouble sleeping? There are lots of things you can do to help yourself. Find out how and why you should get a good night’s rest.

2. Gain international experience in York

Keen to learn more about communicating and working effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds? Broaden your experience and add intercultural competency to your CV by signing up for intercultural workshops on campus on Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 November. You will meet and work with students of different nationalities, including students visiting from a university in Hong Kong.

3. Help finding part time work

Check out our Careers and Placements blog for helpful tips on developing your employability skills and exploring career ideas. If you’re looking for work at the moment to support your studies, you might find the recent post on How and where to find part-time work useful.

4. INVITATION: How can we better communicate with students?

This autumn, we’re exploring how we can better communicate with our students. We want to know what you want from the University so that you feel informed, supported and connected to what’s going on. To do this, we really need to hear from you. You can participate in different ways, from taking part in a focus group, having an informal chat over Zoom, or taking part in a face-to-face workshop. Have your say by signing up via our short expression of interest form by Friday 28 October.

5. Sexual health services in York – have your say

City of York Public Health want to understand the range of experiences and views of using local sexual health services to help develop future services. If you have used the sexual health service, or if you have views on provision, please complete the Sexual Health Service in York survey before Friday 11 November. All responses are anonymous.

Offers, competitions and paid opportunities

Log on to Handshake, our careers platform, for jobs and opportunities.

Student news

Things to know this week is produced and distributed by the University's Internal Communications Team. Please email any feedback to