Liz H.

Head of Customer Experience
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Liz H.
Language and Linguistic Science
English Literature and Linguistics
United Kingdom

My employment

Head of Customer Experience
TalkTalk plc
United Kingdom
Digital and IT services
Large business (250+ employees)
c. £100k

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A day in the life of a Head of Customer Experience in the United Kingdom

Senior manager in Media and Technology - Specialisms: New Product Development/ Digital/ Transformation programmes/ interviewing

How I found out about the job

Employer's website

The recruitment process

I'm not sure the recruitment process for my current role is relevant but I do spend a lot of my life recruiting people and so am very happy to give help/support/advice to anyone looking for advice.

My career goals when I graduated

I honestly had no idea!
(and I still have no plan...)

My career history

Worked for several small companies for about 7 years before taking the plunge and 'going corporate'. Aviva, Sky and TalkTalk have made up the bulk of my career history.

Courses taken since graduation


My advice about working in my industry

Most skill sets the workplace requires aren't uni subjects - it's aptitude and enthusiasm that get you the roles, so don't assume that you aren't qualified. Not everyone is cut out for grad schemes - that doesn't mean ultimately you won't do just as well as those chosen for grad programs.

There are also a ton of roles that you probably don't even know exist. Everyone has a valuable skillset for some role; so identify a company that you think is a good cultural fit for you and then figure out what role is right; tailor your CV and go for it!

What I do

I work across the entire business - for example the website, the contact centres, backend processes and systems to ensure that it all comes together to provide customers with a great experience. At the moment I'm new to the role and TalkTalk have never had this priority before; so there is a lot to do!

Prior to starting here I worked at Sky in Product Development (look out for Sky Q launching Spring 2016!) working across all aspects of the new product development to ensure we were going to offer the best experience we could to customers.

Skills I use and how I developed them

Almost all my training over the last 20 years in the workplace has been 'on the job'; the internet barely existed when I was at York, never mind Big Data and other day to day things that we use. Being adaptable, being interested and going and finding out have been the ways I've learnt.

What I like most

The variety, no two days are ever the same. In fact no two hours are the same. My day jumps from conversations about Big Data, to making decisions about new app development, to strategic planning, to call centre listening etc. It's definitely varied!

What surprised me most

How different different industries are. Prior to working in Media at TalkTalk and Sky, I worked in Insurance - each place is very different, but even wider than the difference between individual companies is the difference between industries; financial services and media are very, very different in the ways they work.

Find an industry and a company that matches your identify (that most definitely was not insurance for me ;) )

Next steps...

If you like the look of Liz’s profile, the next steps are down to you! You can send Liz a message to find out more about their career journey. If you feel you would benefit from more in-depth conversations, ask Liz to be your mentor.

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