Project aims and questions

The purpose of this research is to explore new forms of consumption, parental responsibility and the changing balances between public and commercial bioscience that are emerging as a result of cord blood banking. The research is organised around three interrelated work packages:

  • 1. the banking sector itself;
  • 2. policy making and governance;
  • 3. the views and perspectives of donors, depositors and parents.

Data is collected via face-to-face interviews with members from research institutes, regulatory and policy-making bodies, private and public banks, maternity wards and the Royal Colleges. Other data includes focus groups with pregnant women and a review of online discussion forums around cord blood.

It is intended that the research findings will be directly relevant to stakeholders (including the Human Tissue Authority, the Anthony Nolan Trust, working groups on cord blood, and the Royal Colleges) seeking to better understand a rapidly changing situation in the UK's blood-related sector. Members of the team welcome invitations from stakeholder groups to present findings from the project.

Last Updated: April 21, 2010 |

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