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Can Sexual Violence in Conflict Be Prevented?

Wednesday 22 June 2022, 1.00PM to 2:15 PM

Speaker(s): Kathryn Tomlinson of International Alert

In recent decades, the way that the pervasive and devastating problem of sexual violence in conflict zones has been talked about on the global stage has dramatically shifted. Where such violence was previously framed as perhaps an unfortunate side-effect of war, it is more likely, today, to be viewed both as a strategic weapon of war and as a ‘red line’; something which can, and must, be prevented. The UK, through its Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative, seeks to place itself at the forefront of global efforts to ‘end such heinous acts once and for all’

The question remains, however: can war really be cleansed of sexual violence? And if so, what kind of interventions are necessary, and which actors are best placed to implement them?

Join Kathryn Tomlinson - Director of Programmes at International Alert, an independent peacebuilding charity - in conversation with Harriet Gray of the University of York, as they discuss these important questions.

This event will take place live on Zoom Webinar. You’ll receive a link to join a couple of days before the event takes place and a reminder an hour before. During the event, you can ask questions via a Q&A function, but audience cameras and microphones will remain muted throughout.

This event is presented in collaboration with York Centre for Conflict and Security (YCCS). You may also be interested in attending another YCCS talk: Can Britain Be a Force for Peace Abroad?

Book Tickets

Location: Online

Admission: Everyone welcome