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The Qur’ans of Uljaytu

Wednesday 6 June 2018, 6.30PM

Speaker(s): Dr Alison Ohta

The Mongol Ilkhanate (1256-1353) was established in north-west Iran after the invasions led by Hulegu, the grandson of Genghis-khan.  Despite the initial destruction that the conquests brought, Ilkhanid rule heralded a period where the arts of the book flourished with the production of both religious and secular texts.

Of particular note are the number of beautifully illuminated Qur'ans produced for the Ilkhan Uljaytu (r.1307-1314) which Alison Ohta of the Royal Asiatic Society will discuss in more detail.  

Alison’s talk is part of a series of events organised by the York Islamic Art Circle, a collaboration between the University of York’s Islamic Society and Department of History of Art.

Please book here.

Location: The Treehouse, Berrick Saul Building, University of York

Admission: Free, but booking required.