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Problematics of European Literary History, 1559-1648

Thursday 24 May 2018, 1.00PM to 15:00

Speaker(s): Prof. Warren Boutcher (Queen Mary, University of London)

Warren Boutcher is editing the follow-up to David Wallace's Europe: A Literary History 1348-1418, focusing on the period 1559-1648, and he is visiting York to talk about the project, its methodology, and its themes. One of the main challenges facing this project is how to construct a holistic account of this period of European literary history - including its emergent global connections - of a kind that is not simply built from pre-determined blocks of (western) European national literatures.

The talk is organised in connection with the Centre for Medieval Literature, based at York/Odense. 

Location: SLB/001 (Spring Lane Building)