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The Codex Amiatinus In Context

Thursday 14 July 2016, 9.00AM to 17 July

Speaker(s): Organisers Dr Meg Boulton and Dr Jane Hawkes

Thursday 14 July 2016, 10.00am to 17 July 4.30pm

The Codex Amiatinus is one of the most remarkable ecclesiastical productions of Anglo-Saxon England, and indeed, is the earliest surviving complete copy of the Vulgate Bible in the West. It was produced in Northumbria as a papal gift, in the twin monastery of Wearmouth-Jarrow and dates to the beginning of the eighth century. For much of its history its making and identity were subject to intense debate, with both a continental and Anglo-Saxon provenance being argued for in the early scholarship. Although it has since been definitively identified as ‘Northumbrian’, this remarkable book still presents a plethora of intellectual avenues to explore: such as its political and material identity; its visual language; the monetary and intellectual wealth that lie behind its production; its textual tradition; its palaeographic, codicological, artistic and theological significances; the role of the institution of the Church in the Medieval period and access to the manuscript (past and present) alongside the role of digitisations and facsimiles – to name but a few.

This conference sets out to foreground the Codex within Medieval Studies on the anniversary of its leaving England for Rome in 716, bringing together scholars working on various aspects of the manuscript and its contexts in order to highlight the unique status of this book within the Insular (and continental) canon and the new ideas and ongoing discussions it continues to provoke among those that study its remarkable pages, text and images.

This four-day multi-disciplinary conference brings together a wide range of emerging scholars, early career researchers and established academics to provide a platform to discuss the Codex and its contexts, as manifested in the visual, textual and material evidence presented by the book, and the wider contextual milieu of the intellectual, political, theological and economic setting of the early medieval world – alongside the landmark creation of a facsimile to be housed and displayed at Bede’s World in Jarrow.

Confirmed Speakers Include:

Nick Baker (Princethorpe College); Meg Boulton (York); Celia Chazelle (New Jersey); Katy Cubitt (York); Peter Darby (Nottingham); Carol Farr (London); Richard Gameson(Durham); Anna Gannon (Cambridge); Mary Garrison (York); Jane Hawkes (York); Hugh Houghton (Birmingham); Georgia Michael (Birmingham); Conor O’Brien (Cambridge); Tom O’Loughlin (Nottingham); Eyal Poleg (London); Alan Thacker (London); Faith Wallis (McGill)

Conference website




Location: University of York and Bede's World, Jarrow

Admission: Registration required.

Email: Please email or for any further queries.