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Current Ongoing Projects

Change engagement

Led by Karl Atkin.

This is the workstream that ensures everyone involved, affected or impacted by the transformation can be fully consulted and involved in the whole process.

Latest update: Some work has been completed with Learning and Development to look at how we can support staff through the process of change. This has resulted in some workshops in April 2019 for academic, teaching and support staff. Work has been completed to plan a staff support programme which will run from April through to the end of the year covering a wide range of subjects. Further details of what will be available will be publicised nearer the time.

Undergraduate Programmes

Led by Paul Galdas.

This includes BSc Nursing and Midwifery Curriculum development, the Nurse Associate Foundation Apprenticeship and the Integrated Masters programme

Latest update: Work on the BSc Nusing curriculum continues to progress well. Decisions were made collectively about Programme Learning Outcomes, course structure, programme philosophy, and a concept based curriculum focussed on biomedical, psychosocial and evidence based nursing. This was run through a 'sense-check' with the Academic Support Office, Faculty Learning and Teaching and an external critical friend. Module teams have been arranged and work is now underway to write the content of the modules. There are still opportunities to get involved. The progress is overseen via NPC and the work is being led by Rob Allison.

Work on the content and structure of the Nursing Associate programme has started and is being led by Linda Currie. Work to look at the structures and frameworks for Apprenticeships is being looked at as part of a University wide project and these will feed into the process within the department going forward. 

Work has started on the Midwifery curriculum with the Midwifery team starting to plan what the new course will look like against the new (currently draft) standards from the NMC.

Postgraduate programmes

Led by Paul Galdas and Tracy Lightfoot.

This includes a review of the postgraduate opportunities available now and in the future, the rewriting of the Prescribing module due to new NMC standards and consideration of the SSPRD modules including Advanced Clinical Practice (which will be an apprenticeship).

Latest update: The postgraduate programmes in the department are being considered and reviewed to ensure that we are offering the right kinds of opportunities going forward. The department is currently looking at the change to funding models from HEE for SSPRD modules and how that might impact on what we deliver and how. If you have any thoughts on any aspect of the postgraduate programme then please do contact us. There will be opportunities to become involved in specific pieces of work as the work stream progresses.


Led by Paul Galdas.

This includes accreditation, resource review and designing a quality assured system of delivery for apprenticeship accredited training opportunities.

Latest update: The University is now setting up systems and frameworks for delivery of apprenticeships going forward. An Apprenticeship lead has been appointed, and a project manager is in place to manage the implementation across the University of the processes required to run a range of Apprenticeships.  The department is liaising with the Apprenticeship team on a regular basis as Nursing Associate and Advanced Clinical Practice will be the first two Apprenticeships the University will have up and running. 

Workforce planning and development

Led by Paul Galdas (N&M), Marysia Koc (Support staff), (T&R) and Kate Flemming (R)

This includes a review of all functions and tasks carried out in the department and considers the needs of the new programmes being introduced over the life of the transformation. It also includes a review and further development of training and staff development opportunities, career pathways and clear and accurate information about staff skills, knowledge and expertise.

Latest update: The workstream leads are looking at what happens across the department. This is being done differently for different staff groups to allow for the nuances of each group. It includes looking at the delivery of teaching and student supervision, the support staff roles and the ways in which research and teaching can better link together to offer research focussed teaching and development opportunities for staff. Workforce models are being considered and utilised to help form a clear picture of what is happening in the department and what the departments needs will be going forward. This will include consultation with staff in the future so please remember to look out for ways to be involved in the conversation going forward.

Research integration

Led by Patrick Doherty and Kate Flemming.

This includes considering how we can identify and optimise integration between teaching and research, including more research informed programmes going forward.

Latest update: Work has been completed as part of the Curriculum development for the BSc Nursing to incorporate a range of skills, methods, exemplars, ways of working and factual information (ie research from within the department) into the curriculum. This will ensure that students are gaining a range of skills as part of their studies and it will provide them with some wider options at the end of their study if they are interested in pursuing a career in research. The contract researchers forum completed some work to look at how they could further develop, integrate into the department and access opportunities to be involved in other aspects of the work. Following on from that a survey is being carried out with research staff to explore what kinds of opportunities and pathways people are interested in and how we can support that going forward. If you have any thoughts please do not hesitate to get in touch with the work stream leads or the project manager.

High Level Stakeholder Engagement

Led by Trudi Neenan and Beth Hardy.

This includes considering how we can work effectively with our external stakeholders in developing the new BSc Nursing, Prescribing and Nursing Associate curriculum. It also includes looking at the ways we link with service users and carers and ways in which they are involved in curriculum development, programme delivery and quality assurance of the work we do in the department.

Latest update: Several senior stakeholder groups are up and running and the work stream leads are using this forum to consult with stakeholders, especially those practice partners we work so closely with, to ensure that a collaborative approach is taken to all aspects of the programmes being developed. Each programme is doing this differently according the needs of the programme itself and this will include ongoing liaison both through formal meetings and other engagement events.

The academic lead for service user and carer engagement is now in post and there are two consultation events planned for March and April linked to the BSc Nursing and Nursing Associate curriculum development. Following on from this, work has started to look at the strategic direction of this work going forward, with longer term plans and implementation of these underway.


Led by .

This includes considering the financial position of the department now and going forward, in line with changes to funding.

Latest update: As the department has now finalised the MTP forecasting for the department, Karl has presented information in various formats including the staff meeting around the current financial position of the department. This is an ever changing picture due to external factors and continues to be monitored closely.


Led by Anita Savage Grainge.

This includes reviewing the governance in place within the department and ensuring that it is the most effective it can be going forward.

Latest update: The Chair of BoS has been undertaking a thorough review of the governance within the department, also involving other senior members of staff. This includes linking with other departments in the University to look at how decisions are made, and how they manage and evaluate what happens across their departments. Key Committee leads/deputy leads are being consulted on what works well and what needs development and this will then be considered in the wider development of the department.


Led by and Marysia Koc.

This includes looking at the needs of the department and the resources available to ensure they are being utilised in the most effective way.

Latest update: We continue to look at the resources we have and the best ways to use these. This includes working with central services as well as other departments. This work is likely to be ongoing for the duration of the programme as we have limited resources so we must ensure we are using these in the best way possible.


Led by Matthew Jacobs.

This workstream has three main focus areas: Communication, practice experience and student representation. It includes considering the input and impact of any changes on the student population, ensuring specific engagement is included in all the work stream areas.

Latest update: We are holding regular student focus groups on different topics each month. These have been popular with the student group who are keen to be involved in the development and improvement of the department. We have implemented a student specific email address that we use to communicate key messages to students, advertise consultation events and the students can use to send us ideas and comments about all aspects of student experience. Let the project manager or Matthew know if you would like to use this resource for getting any messages out to students.

Equality Impact Assessment

As part of the work within the programme, we identified that there was a possibility that things would be changing within the department. Therefore we felt it was important to undertake a full Equality Impact Assessment. This work started at the beginning of the programme and is now well developed.

Latest update: Data continues to be collected and working is being co-ordinated between the EIA, the Athena Swan working group and the Equality & Diversity committee to ensure a joined up approach.  Maria Ayaz (Equality & Diversity lead for UoY), Devi Nannen (Equality & Diversity lead for DoHS), Matthew Jacobs (SASS), Marysia Koc (Chair of Athena Swan) and Charlotte Boyce (HR) are working together with the Project Manager to ensure we are fully assessing everything and taking steps to ensure every outcome from the programme positively impacts on anyone with protected characteristics. This also helps to ensure more widespread equality within the department. If you are interested in being part of this work why not get in touch?