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Rachel Bottomley-Wise
Research Fellow (Trial Coordinator)



Rachel joined the Health Sciences department in January 2019 and has been working as a Trial Coordinator at the York Trials Unit since February 2020. Previously she coordinated the Enhancing Social and Emotional health and Wellbeing in the Early Years trial. Rachel moved to Australia for 3 years to pursue a PhD. In December 2018, she moved back to the beautiful city of York.


  • PhD Psychology
  • MSc Psychological Approaches to Health
  • BSc (Hons) Psychology

Departmental roles



Rachel’s research interests focus on Health and Well-being. Her background is in Psychology. Rachel’s PhD investigated the influence of dyadic (partner-based) interventions for physical activity promotion. This project involved a randomized control trial. Postpartum women and a significant other (often their romantic partner), created plans and received motivation training to increase physical activity. She also conducted qualitative work on perspectives of postpartum mums’ engagement and barriers in the physical activity program. Previously, she conducted projects on eating attitudes, body image and self-esteem in young adults, and attention and academic achievement in primary school children.


  • FINCH - Forest school INterventions for Children’s Health (FINCH): a feasibility cluster randomised control trial

Research group(s)


Selected publications

  • Rachel Carr, Nikos Ntoumanis, Eleanor Quested, Daniel Gucciardi, Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani, Andrew Prestwich. Investigating interventions involving dyads to promote physical activity: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. PROSPERO 2016:CRD42016038231 Available from
  • R. M. Carr, A. Prestwich, D. Kwasnicka, C. Thøgersen-Ntoumani, D. F. Gucciardi, E. Quested, L. H. Hall & N. Ntoumanis (2019) Dyadic interventions to promote physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour: systematic review and meta-analysis, Health Psychology Review, 13:1, 91-109, DOI: 10.1080/17437199.2018.1532312

Full publications list



Rachel contributed to teaching on the Qualitative Health Research master's module. She has also contributed to teaching the Psychological and Sociological Aspects of Health and Wellbeing module (BSc Nursing Stage 1) and the Psychosocial Concepts and Theories applied module (BSc Nursing Stage 2).

External activities


  • Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Teaching Academy

Invited talks and conferences

  • Oct 2022 A SWAT to determine whether video and online multimedia resources improve recruitment of children to clinical trials Poster presented at the 6th International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference, Harrogate.
  • Mar 2022 A SWAT to determine whether video and online multimedia resources improve recruitment of children to clinical trials Talk given at the UK Trial Managers' Network conference in an online format.
  • June 2021 "It's better together?": a physical activity program for postpartum mums and a significant other. Talk given at Soapbox Science in York to a layperson audience.
  • Mar 2021 Impact on Recruitment of Using an Invitation Letter Informed by Self-Determination Theory. Talk given at the UK Trial Managers' Network conference in an online format.
  • Jul 2018 Dyadic Interventions to Promote Physical Activity and Reduce Sedentary Behaviour: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Talk given at the European College of Sport Science conference in Dublin.
  • Sep 2017 Dyadic Interventions to Promote Physical Activity: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Conference poster presented at the Mark Liveris Seminar at Curtin University, Australia.
  • Nov 2018 It’s Better Together: Experiences of Postpartum Mums and Dads in a Physical Activity Program. Talk given at the Denis Glencross at Curtin University, Australia.
  • Jul 2017 Dyadic Intervention to Promote Physical Activity: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Conference poster presented at the International Society of Sport Psychology conference in Seville, Spain.
  • Nov 2015 How useful are Challenging Behaviour Interviews (CBI’s) in capturing behaviour change of clients, with learning disabilities, within Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Conference poster presented by a co-author at the Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Research and Development conference, England.

Media coverage

  • Live on ABC Radio, Perth (breakfast) (19th June 2017). AM Radio hosted by Peter Bell. Advertised the Postnatal Exercise Partner-based Project. Audience: 30,000 people.
  • West TV (22nd June 2017). Advertised the Postnatal Exercise Partner-based Project.

Rachel Carr

Contact details

Dr Rachel Bottomley-Wise
Research Fellow (Trial Coordinator)

Tel: 01904 32(5879)
