Accessibility statement

Kerry Dwan
Senior Research Fellow in Evidence Synthesis and HTA



Kerry is a medical statistician and the focus of her work and research is to improve the quality of systematic reviews and medical research, specifically in relation to the reporting of methods, selective reporting of outcomes and analyses and also the application of complex systematic review methods. Kerry has worked across a broad range of clinical areas conducting Cochrane reviews, single technology appraisals, multiple technology appraisals and as a trial statistician.

Previously, Kerry set up and led the Methods Support Unit at Cochrane, providing statistical and methodological advice to authors, editors and review groups and peer reviewing protocols and reviews. She led the risk of bias 2 pilot at Cochrane and created guidance for the reporting of risk of bias 2. She is a senior editor of the Systematic Reviews journal and as associate editor at BMJ-EBM.

Kerry Dwan Photo

Contact details

Dr Kerry Dwan
Senior Research Fellow in Evidence Synthesis and HTA
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
University of York
YO10 5DD