Tuesday 4 November 2014, 10.00AM to 4 pm
What is the Human Rights Tour?
2014 marks the fourth year of our hugely successful Human Rights Tour. The idea is a simple one – go across the UK holding free to attend pop-up events in local communities, raising awareness about human rights, how they are relevant in everyday life, and having a space for debate and discussion.
Who is the Human Rights Tour for?
It's for you! Whether you are an individual, a voluntary sector worker or a public servant come along and join the conversation.
What happens at the events?
Our model for each pop-up uses a mix of presentations, discussions and interactive sessions, with some creative elements too! BIHR is proud to be partnering with the Centre for Applied Human Rights, University of York to bring this event to York, so the event is rooted in your local concerns.
How much does it cost?
The Tour events are free to attend. As the events are so popular (and we often have waiting lists), you will be charged a £30 no-show fee if you sign up and don't attend, without cancelling your place at least 7 days before. We hope you appreciate that this is so that we can accomodate as many people as possible, and avoid no-shows.
Register at http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/human-rights-tour-2014-york-4-november-registration-12252468463
For more information, please see the British Institute of Human Rights human rights tour site.
Location: Clements Hall, Nunthorpe Rd, York YO23 1BW
Admission: Free