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Fire safety training


  • All members of staff must complete fire safety training on an annual basis
  • This is accessed via the Learning Management System (LMS) and is listed under “Browse for Learning - Health, Safety & Welfare” as “An Introduction to Fire Safety”.
  • You will be sent a reminder when this has to be completed but if you are new to the University please ensure that you complete this module as part of your induction.

Post Graduate Students

  • Post Graduate students can access the annual fire safety training via the Health and Safety Information Gateway on the VLE:

    It is accessible under the list of modules.

Fire extinguisher training

  • Portable fire-fighting equipment plays an important role in the on-going business continuity of the University. It is provided for the protection of property and not to support the means of escape. The priority in the event of a fire is always personal safety by evacuating the building and raising the alarm.
  • It is University policy that only individuals who have received formal training should use fire extinguishers, providing it is safe to do so after raising the alarm.
  • A list of Fire Extinguisher trained personnel: Fire Extinguisher trained staff (PDF , 76kb)
  • It is departmental policy that all workers involved in activities most likely to cause a fire receive fire extinguishing training.  This should ensure that small fires are dealt with efficiently and effectively. 
  • The following workers are expected to receive practical fire extinguisher training:
    • all workers using naked flames (typically small gas cannister burners used for microbial activities)
    • all laboratory technicians (fire extinguisher training is a useful skill for all lab. technicians)
    • all other workers engaged in activities that, based on local risk assessment, present a high fire risk
  • Register for practical fire extinguisher training on the LMS at
  • For more information see the University Policy & Management Procedure (PDF)