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Storage Standards

  • Store chemicals in correctly-labelled containers with the appropriate hazard warnings clearly identified
  • Store chemicals as advised by the supplier. If in doubt, store in a cool, dark place. Do not store chemicals in bright sunlight or above eye-level wherever possible
  • Store hazardous volatile chemicals in a fire-proof cabinet or if non-flammable, or if in very small amounts, in a fume cupboardFlammable solvents with flashpoints below 32° (e.g. acetone, isoamyl alcohol, butanols, ethanol, diethyl ether, petroleum ether, propanols) must not be stored in bottles of more than 500 ml unless in a fire-proof cabinet. All flammables should be put away in the fire-proof cabinet at the end of the working day wherever possible
  • At intervals check your chemical stocks. Look out for unwanted chemicals, containers with decaying or peeling labels, signs of deterioration, etc. Dispose of unwanted chemicals properly.