Accessibility statement

Evelyn Curl
Data Standards Officer



As Data Standards Officer for the Heritage Science Data Service (HSDS), Evelyn is responsible for developing and monitoring data and metadata standards specific to Heritage Science and Conservation Research, providing guidance to depositors, advising on file formats and metadata, and participating in data curation. The HSDS is a new service developed and hosted by the Archaeology Data Service (ADS) to provide core Digital Research Services as part of the RICHeS programme.

After completing a BA in Medieval and Early Modern History from Aberystwyth University in 2017, she worked in commercial archaeology doing post excavation and archiving work, alongside volunteering and hospitality work for heritage organisations including the National Trust. Evelyn then joined the Archaeology Data Service (ADS) in 2021 as a Digital Archivist.

Evelyn is particularly interested in researching and developing data standards for audio and audiovisual data as they pertain to cultural heritage, such as oral histories, music, recordings, excavation footage, and other video and sound archives.

Evelyn Curl posing on bridge over water

Contact details

Evelyn Curl
Data Standards Officer
Archaeology Data Service
University of York
The King's Manor