Each job vacancy needs someone to administer it in eRecruiter. This person is known as the job owner.

The first step in eRecuiter is to create the vacancy.

As a job owner, your other key tasks are:

  • updating candidate records after shortlisting
  • scheduling interviews
  • updating candidate records after interview, including notifying HR of any appointments to be made

Full instructions for these tasks are in our Help Centre. When a vacancy closes, both job owners and panel members are emailed details of what to do next.

Who should be the job owner?

Any member of staff can act as a job owner. No specialist skills or access are required. However, things to consider include:

  • as well as updating eRecruiter, they're likely to be closely involved in the general organisation of the recruitment process
  • they need to be ready to respond to queries from candidates, particularly around interview arrangements
  • in some schools or departments there may be admininstrators who act as job owner for all vacancies