Performance ratings

The reviewee is asked to reflect on their overall performance and select a rating of their performance on the PDR form they provide to you. This should be least five days ahead of the meeting.

Consider your own views on how the reviewee has performed, using your own judgement and the evidence and observations that you have collated to get an idea of what rating you will be recommending in the meeting. During the meeting you will need to let the reviewer know your view on how they have performed, using the performance ratings. Where there is a difference of opinion, make sure you consider in what ways you feel your view differs, so you can explain this to the reviewee. Please be aware that some reviewees will be perhaps too modest or uncomfortable rating themselves highly, and you may need to build their confidence to talk about their achievements.

For Academic, Research and Teaching staff, Heads of Department, and Support Staff working towards long-term objectives, one of the agreed ratings should be used:

  • excellent
  • good
  • satisfactory
  • needs some improvement
  • needs significant improvement

How the ratings are defined

Staff working to short-term objectives

If your reviewee is using the short-term objectives form, they will do the same overall self-assessment exercise as part of the preparation. You will need to assign an overall reviewer rating as detailed above.

In addition, the reviewee will also have rated themselves against each individual target and behaviour, using the following rating scale:

  • expectations exceeded
  • expectations achieved
  • expectations partly-achieved
  • expectations not achieved

In preparation for the meeting, consider their performance against each target or behaviour and see how they have self rated against each area. Think about what ratings you will assign in the meeting.