What happens at the centres?

Before the centre, candidates complete a number of online questionnaires and relevant pre-reading.

The first day of the centre is based around a business simulation exercise.

Throughout the simulation participants work individually and in groups and tackle a variety of situations including a one-to-one meeting, group meetings, written exercises and a presentation.

After the simulation, a behavioural profile for each candidate is produced, identifying leadership strengths and development opportunities. This profile, together with the results of other online questionnaires, form the basis of personal feedback sessions for each participant.

A written summary report providing feedback on your performance, leadership capability and potential will be shared with you and your Head of Department within 4 weeks of the development centre.

A trained member of the People and Organisational Development team will build on your feedback during a 1-1 coaching session and help you create a personal development plan.

Your 1-1 coaching session will be followed up by a 3-way meeting with either your Head of Department or Dean of Faculty so that they can offer you the appropriate support to enable you to achieve your development plan. During this meeting you will discuss the outcomes of your development centre and your development plan.