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How to generate a Check-In code for your teaching session

Watch our short demonstration video or read our written guidance below.

There are only five steps involved to generate a code for your teaching session.

Step one: On your computer or mobile device enter the following web address into your internet browser:

Step two: Enter your University email address and password (and Duo authentication) if prompted.

You will be presented with your timetable for the week (default weekly view shown below):
Default weekly view of staff timetable in Check-In system

  • Sessions in grey have not yet started
  • Sessions in green are fully recorded (ie all students have been marked with a status)
  • Orange sessions are ones happening that day with partial engagement recorded
  • Any student that hasn’t recorded their engagement by the end of the session will automatically be marked as ‘missed’ by the system, turning the event green at the end of the day

Step three: Select the session you want to generate a code for. You can generate a code up to 24 hours ahead of your teaching session.

Step four: In the box that appears, you can then click on the Generate button to create your Check-In code.

Step five: Click on the copy button to the right of the code to paste it directly into a presentation or make a note of it for sharing at your session.

Download our quick card for a printable version of these instructions: