Accessibility statement

Check-In access process guide for Professional Services staff

Academic staff are granted access to Check-In ( automatically, providing they are scheduled to teach at least one session in the central timetabling system during the current academic year. This includes postgraduates who teach. 

Professional Services staff need to be granted access manually. The process for setting up a new member of PS staff in Check-In is as follows:

1. An authorised member of staff must send an email to requesting access. This is usually a department’s Student Services Manager but can also be a Deputy Head or similar level and above of seniority. This is required as an account gives full reporting suite access to all data.

2. The email must contain the new staff member’s name, role, department and username (eg abc123).

3. Await a response confirming access has been updated.

a) Behind the scenes we will contact the DTEF systems team responsible for TermTime (the timetabling system) as that’s where user accounts are controlled.

b) Once the role has been updated you may receive an email from DECS Systems or the Check-In inbox confirming this. If not, please allow 24-48 hours for access to be updated and then check to see if it works.

4. Sometimes browser cache prevents additional functionality from showing to new users or the error message persists. If this is the case, please try using a Chrome Incognito window before contacting Check-In-Support. If it works in Incognito then you need to clear your browser cache for it to work properly.

a) Guidance on clearing cache can be found from Google. Other browser information is also available online.

5. Once access has been granted and providing there aren’t any cache issues, you will have full and complete access to all functionality including reporting. 

Note: new staff do not get access to historic staff calendars by default. This means if a new member of staff starts at the University in February, they won’t be able to search back and see other staff timetables to update Register Lists from before the date their account was set up. If getting access to historic calendars is required in your role, please specify historic calendar access within your original request and we can facilitate this - it will take longer for the change to take place however (expect around five working days).

6. Please let us know if a member of staff moves department and their new role no longer requires Check-In access so we can update our records and remove their permissions.

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