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Early Career Researchers Forum


What is the Early Career Researcher Forum?

The ECR Forum provides support and training for researchers in the early stages of their careers - from PhD students and RAs to postdocs, teaching fellows, and first-position lecturers.

Every semester we aim to host several academic and career workshops as well as social events to enrich both professional and social life in the department.  


The ECR has an email list to which we advertise all of our events and useful information.  To be added to the list please contact the ECR Forum Chair (see below).

If you would like more information, have ideas to about events to run or have some issues to raise then please get in touch.

The ECR committee meets once per semester to organize the events for the following semester and discuss any issues that may have arisen. The dates/times of these meeting are usually communicated through the ECR mailing list a few days in advance. If you are not in the committee but have something to say, you can get in touch with the ECR Chair ahead of the meeting and they will ensure to include the discussion in the meeting agenda.  To be added to the list, please contact the ECR Forum Chair or Deputy Chair (see below).

Key contacts

  • ECR Forum Co-Chair
    Vanessa Keller (
  • ECR Forum Co-Chair
    Ewan Murray (
  • ECR Champion
    Alex Pike (Lecturer,
  • Font of all knowledge
    Vicki Hensel (Administrator,


ECR Forum Library

ECR Forum Library

The ECR has a small library of useful textbooks for loan.  We have books on Matlab, R, event-related potentials and structural equation modelling.  You’re welcome to borrow the books - just sign them out on the accompanying sheet.  The library is currently looking for a new home so please get in touch if you’d like to borrow anything.

Get in touch if there are texts that you think we should acquire. We’re also open to donations of books.

Useful Links

Student & staff wiki (for course info and most forms)

Staff and student profiles

Campus maps and travel

University library & city library

IT & Technical Services

Human Resources