Accessibility statement

You said, we did

Posted on 29 February 2024

Listening to our students

two yellow speech bubbles on a blue background, one saying you said the other saying we did

Here in the Department of Politics and International Relations, we understand the importance of listening to our students' opinions.

We can implement meaningful improvements based on your suggestions. Your insights are invaluable in shaping our educational experience, and we're committed to showcasing the actions we take in response to your input. 

Here are some of the changes we have made thanks to your feedback:

You Said: We’d like more dissertation support                  

We did: Introduced seminars and additional lectures on the dissertation module

You said: We'd like more opportunities to talk about our dissertations

We did: We introduced poster sessions and new seminars on the dissertation module


You said: We want more specific feedback on our essays

We did: Introduced Turnitin with annotated essay feedback

You said: How can I meet other Politics students?

We did: Introduced weekly coffee morning with pastries

You said: We want more support with our future careers

We did: Introduced new modules and assessments to help you develop transferable skills

You said: We would like more academic and pastoral support

We did: Introduced twice weekly feedback and guidance hours and wellbeing officers


You said: We want better technology to help your learning

We did: Introduced a new VLE and lecture capture 

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