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An Introduction to Applied Multilevel Analysis

Friday 11 November 2011, 9.00AM

The module will cover multilevel modelling for the following types of response data: continuous, binary, count and time-to-event data.  It will also cover Cluster Randomised Controlled Trials.

The course starts with a four day teaching event at the University of York from 11 - 14 November 2011, followed by a period of private study and an assessment (computer based and 'open book') on 9 January 2012 to enable you to get the academic credits (it is possible to join the course without gaining accreditation). The course offers 10 credits at Level 7 (Masters).

For more information download a copy of the flyer. (PDF , 196kb)

Location: University of York

Admission: Early bird discount if booking before 15th October. For participants from the commercial sector, £675 and £450 for public sector employees. After 15th October, cost is £900 for participants from the commercial sector and £600 from public sector or academic students.