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Dr Nicola Carroll



PhD Sociology, University of Huddersfield

MA Urban Regeneration and Development, Manchester University

BA (Hons) Political Studies, University of Stirling


I began my career as a journalist specialising in public services and social issues and then spent ten years delivering editorial and policy research projects for non-profit organisations before starting my PhD. My doctoral research explored experiences of single parents in two locations in the North of England with contrasting socio-economic profiles in the context of welfare reform, fiscal austerity and media stigmatisation.

After completing my thesis, I combined part-time teaching as Associate Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Huddersfield (on modules spanning social theory, research methods, an Introduction to Sociology and Culture, Sociology of Health, Body and Society and Critical Social Policy) with furthering my fieldwork expertise in research roles. My postdoctoral research experience has included projects investigating; mental health support in the community (University of Huddersfield); collaboration between local government policymakers and academics (University of Leeds); and experiences of families and communities during Covid-19 (University College London).

I joined the Sociology Department at York in 2022 and my role involves co-ordination of the departmental Learning and Teaching Forum, along with postgraduate supervision and teaching across undergraduate and postgraduate modules: Divisions and Inequalities, Sociology of Health and Illness, Qualitative Research Methods, Cultivating a Sociological Imagination and Themes and Issues in Contemporary Sociology.

My research interests include families and personal lives, intersections of class and gender inequalities, citizenship and welfare, community development, comparative qualitative methods and collaborative approaches to research-policy interaction.


Selected publications

Carroll, N. and Yeadon-Lee, T. (2022) ‘I’m Mum and Dad in One, Basically’: Doing and displaying ‘good lone motherhood. Sociology. 56(3) 504-522.  50 doi/10.1177/00380385211037606

Carroll, N., Twamley, K., Humera Iqbal, H., Faircloth, C. (2022) Families & Community in the time of Covid-19. Final Report. London: UCL Press.

Twamley, K., Humera Iqbal, H., Faircloth, C. and Carroll, N. (In press) Processes of inclusion and exclusion in personal life in response to COVID-19 public health measures. In: Twamley, K., Humera Iqbal, H., Charlotte Faircloth, C. (Eds) Family Life in the Time of COVID: International Perspectives. London: UCL Press.

Carroll, N. and Crawford, A. (2020) Unlocking the Potential of Civic Collaboration: A review of research-policy engagement between the University of Leeds and Leeds City Council. Leeds Social Sciences Institute: University of Leeds.

Carroll, N. (2019) One in four children grow up in a single parent family – so why is there still a stigma? The Conversation

Carroll, N. (2018) Lone mothers’ negotiation of employment and parenting demands in the British worker citizenship context. Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research. (13) 39-59. doi/10.1108/S1530-353520180000013004/full/html?skipTracking=true

Carroll, N. (2018) Review: Tracey Jensen. Parenting the Crisis: The Cultural Politics of Parent-Blame. Sociology. 53(5). doi/10.1177/0038038519834868

Carroll, N. (2016) Taking Forward Women Centred Solutions. Women Centred Working Initiative.

Contact details

Dr Nicola Carroll
Department of Sociology
University of York
YO10 5GD

Tel: +44(0)1904 32 2247