Jessica P.

Accounts Assistant
Happy to mentor
Happy to be contacted

About me

Jessica P.
United Kingdom

My employment

Accounts Assistant
United Kingdom
Environment and energy

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A day in the life of a Accounts Assistant in the United Kingdom

How I found out about the job

Prospects website

Courses taken since graduation


Where I hope to be in 5 years

I will be able to be a Certified Management Accountant.

My advice to students considering work

Get as much work experience as you can - voluntary if you can't find a paid job, anything to make you CV stand out. Travel experience (where you haven't just messed around) is also useful. Don't be afraid to consider opportunities that aren't exactly what you're looking for. If you're unsuccessful then you've had interview experience for example, if you're successful then you could find yourself in a great job.

What I do

I'm currently a credit controller, i.e. collecting debt from companies - an accounts role with very much a customer service aspect. Involves a lot of contact with customers, huge time managing skills needed as it is a task that can never be completed.

Skills I use and how I developed them

Degree skills:
A logical approach to working, coping with huge volumes of tasks i.e. time planning and organisation skills

Extracurricular skills:
Being a member of teams, getting involved in some sort of groups is vital as you always need to prove you have team building skills (lacrosse team, volunteer work).

What I like most

The interaction with a large amount of people. I like the accuracy involved but also the opportunity to experience other roles within the company.

What I like least

What would I change? Not a thing.

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