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A European Union 6th Framework funded project with €2.5 million funding over 3 years


EC Bio logo

ECBio, based in Oeiras in Portugal, (website) established its own animal cell R&D laboratory in 2002 and carries out its research and development activities at two main levels. a) Cell therapy - developing strategies for cell-based therapies. They currently participate in several projects to isolate, cultivate and cryopreserve stem cells for therapy of neurodegenerative diseases the treatment of diabetes; b) Cell line establishment - developing mammalian cell lines for producing glycosylated complex protein therapeutics. ECBio has also expertise in cell culture processes development, including medium development, in cryopreservation and non-freezing preservation development and in cytotoxicity drug testing using innovative target cells. We have also made a strategic alliance with a Portuguese cell therapy GMP production company recently established.


ECBio's contribution to the Osteocord project is the production of CB-MSC lines and for scaling up as well as for bioreactor development, including type of bioreactor, adherence mode, use of carriers, mode of bioreactor operation and feeding strategies.


ECBio, Cell biotechnologies, Lab 4.11, Edif IBET/ITQB, Av República 2781-901, Oeiras, PORTUGAL


Helder Cruz
Dr Helder Cruz


Click on the links to access the other Partners:


  1. University of York, UK
  2. University Hospital of Odense, Denmark
  3. University of Southern Denmark
  4. Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering
  5. University of Nottingham, UK
  6. Institute of Transfusion Medicine and Immunology, Mannheim, Germany
  7. Angel Biotechnology, Edinburgh, Scotland
  8. EC Bio, Oeiras, Portugal
  9. Regentec, Nottingham, UK


EC Bio building