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The questionnaires have been piloted first to ensure they are easily understood. We will then validate these two questionnaires by an online survey. For this purpose, this online survey was provided via a link amongst University of York employees and students. It wass launched May 18, 2020; this was Mental Health Awareness Week and right in the middle of the COVID-19 outbreak.

We analysed the answers to explore stress levels and explore the impact of the Coronavirus outbreak on stress levels and resilience amongst University employees and students. These findings have been published.

We also explored if the WoSS and ReWoS provide a valid and reliable measure of benign and harmful work stress and work resilience, and if they proved to be distinct from questionnaires assessing alternative measures such as anxiety or depression. Those results have been published.

For a longer term perspective, we will repeat the online survey at a later stage. All data will be provided on an anonymous basis and only the researchers will have access to the study data.