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STIMULATE-ICP: Symptoms, Trajectory, Inequalities and Management: Understanding Long-COVID to Address and Transform Existing Integrated Care Pathways

People experiencing long COVID will benefit from a comprehensive package of new NIHR-funded research to help improve understanding of the condition, from diagnosis and treatment through to rehabilitation and recovery.


A major consortium of over 30 researchers, healthcare professionals, and patients from over 30 organisations is led by University College London to lead the largest clinical study of Long COVID to date. The programme of research will run from July 2022 until April 2024. STIMULATE-ICP will deliver knowledge to clinicians and scientists, evidence to policy makers, and improved care to patients, while collecting real-world data at scale. The team spans a wide range of relevant clinical and academic disciplines including primary care and specialist services, epidemiology, mental health and health economics. It also includes four patient groups who helped develop the research proposals.

The University of York team, led by professor Christina van der Feltz-Cornelis with Dr. Jenny Sweetman and Dr. Fridan Turk participates in the STIMULATE-ICP program of research in three domains:

  • Science: Datasets analysis of CPRD and HES data.
  • Evidence: evaluating mental health outcomes in the STIMULATE-ICP trial.
  • Care: exploring priorities for integrated care in Long COVID and Long-term Conditions in a Delphi study.