Accessibility statement

How does the study work?

Please click on the links below to find out more about the study and what is involved in taking part.

What will happen if I take part?

The study involves completing two short questionnaires. 

  • The first questionnaire is completed before you take part in the workshop to find out some background information about you and your health and wellbeing, and engagement with the outdoors.
  • The second questionnaire is completed after you have participated in the workshop and focuses on your experience of the activity so we can understand more about your experiences of taking part, and what other factors affect them.

A select number of participants will be invited to take part in a follow-up interview to explore perceptions about the acceptability and feasibility of the workshops; health and wellbeing benefits; and role of social learning about heritage craft.

All information you provide is anonymous. In other words, you will not need to provide any personal information, such as your name, and any information that might identify you will be removed, so you cannot be recognised. 

It is your decision whether you wish to take part in the study. If you decide to take part, you can still end your participation at any time without having to give any reason for this. If you did choose to take part and then changed your mind, you would be free to withdraw from the research at any time, without needing to provide a reason. You could also ask for your data to be withdrawn from the study up to two weeks after you have completed the questionnaire, simply by contacting the researcher. After this time, your data will have been anonymised and used in the analysis.

What are the potential benefits of taking part?

There are no direct benefits to you from taking part in this research study, but in the longer term, we hope that this study will contribute to the greater use of outdoor based archaeology activities to support physical and mental health and wellbeing.

We will send all participants a summary of our findings.

Are there any risks to taking part?

The study involves reflecting upon your mental and physical health and for some people this may bring up difficult feelings. 

The workshops will be delivered in an outdoor space in late winter/early spring, and the weather conditions can be variable.

Please also note that this space has uneven and slippery surfaces.

It is important that you read the CraftWell Workshop Risk Assessment Summary (PDF , 128kb) for further information about the outdoor space, and for activity specific information dependent on the workshop you participate in. 

Collecting information for the study

All your personal details and information you provide will be kept strictly confidential and stored securely. Your personal details such as your contact details will be stored separately from the study data. Your name and any other identifying information will be removed so you cannot be recognised.

You can find further details about how we will process and store your information at the end of this document. You can find further details about how we will manage and store your data in the CraftWell Participant Information Sheet_V1 (PDF , 171kb)

You can also ask for your information to be removed from the service evaluation up to two weeks after you have completed the second questionnaire, by contacting

What will happen to the results of the study?

We plan to publish the findings in an academic journal and present them at academic conferences. If you are interested in the overall findings of the study, please contact and a summary will be provided via email.