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Who is involved in this study?

Hannah Armitt

Dr Hannah Armitt is a co-lead of the CONIFAS project. She is a Clinical Psychologist by background and has several roles working in the NHS. She works part time for the Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust Research and Development Team and is also the Clinical Lead for the Test and Learn Green Social Prescribing Programme in Humber and North Yorkshire. Hannah has over 10 years’ experience working with children, young people and families and has specialist knowledge and interest in working with children and young people with neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism and ADHD. Hannah’s research interests include how green and blue spaces (outdoors/nature) can support people’s mental and physical health, supporting those with Autism/ADHD and the mental health needs of women and girls.

Email:         Twitter: @drhannaha  

Dr Peter Coventry is co-lead of the CONIFAS project. Pete is a senior lecturer in health services research with the Mental Health and Addiction Research Group (MHARG) at the University of York’s Department of Health Sciences and co-lead for Environment and Health at YESI.

Email:    Twitter: @Peteyc73


Ellen Kingsley

Ellen is a research trial coordinator with a strong interest in both neuropsychology and mental health research. She holds a BSc in psychology from Florida State University and an MSc in cognitive neuroscience from the University of York. She previously worked as a research assistant with psychosis and older adult mental health studies. She also has experience running fMRI based research studies at the York Neuroimaging Centre. Ellen is currently working with the COMIC team on a study looking into LEGO-based therapy for children with diagnoses on the Autism spectrum (I-SOCIALISE).

Email:                     Twitter: @EllenKingsley5

Leah Attwell

Leah is a research assistant on the CONIFAS project. She received her BSc in Psychology from the University of Plymouth in 2018. During her studies she was involved in a range of research and spent one year working as a Research Assistant at the University of Massachusetts Boston where she explored the use of moral philosophy in sexual health education and studied the experiences of bystanders who witnessed potential sexual assaults. Leah also holds 6 years of experience working hands-on with children and adults with various cognitive, physical, social, and emotional needs in outdoor education and recreation programming and in residential services. It was in doing this work that she became passionate about utilising applied research to support this population in leading happy and fulfilling lives and supporting their families and carers. At COMIC, Leah is a research assistant for ASSSIST-2, assessing the efficacy of social stories as behavioural interventions for children with ASD.

Email:      Twitter: @AttwellLeah


  • Megan Garside, consultant – COMIC / LYPFT NHS
  • Professor Piran White, consultant – University of York
  • Trish Darcy – University of York
  • Andrew Steele, consultant – Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
  • Kat Woolley, consultant – Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
  • Natasha Green, Consultant – patient and public involvement