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Looking for PhD funding? WRoCAH competition for PhD studentships starting in October 2019 is now open!

Posted on 30 October 2018

The White Rose College of the Arts & Humanities (WRoCAH) is a Doctoral Training Partnership of the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York. It is responsible for the distribution of AHRC-funded doctoral studentships for these universities and for the coordination of a doctoral training programme.

WRoCAH has around 48 AHRC studentships that will be awarded through open competition.

Of these we expect the majority to be student-led project applications.

At least 15% of the awards made will be Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDAs) where a student works closely with a non-academic partner organisation throughout their PhD. Project areas are already defined for these, and are advertised here.

Students can make only one application for funding through the open competition for either a student-led or a collaborative project.

The studentship application form and details of how to apply for each type of studentship are only available from the WRoCAH website. Please read the details very carefully as the application process may vary for the Collaborative Doctoral Awards with an earlier deadline for expressions of interest.

To be eligible for funding, applicants for all types of WRoCAH AHRC Studentships must have applied for a PhD programme at one of Leeds, Sheffield or York.

The final closing deadline for ALL funding applications is 17.00 GMT on Wednesday, 23rd January 2019