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40 Icelandic priests and a map of the world

Wednesday 5 February 2014, 9.00AM

Speaker(s): Dale Kedwards (York)

Over the course of the spring term, the Centre for Medieval Literature (CML) will be hosting a series of seminars at the King’s Manor, broadcast live to colleagues in Denmark. 

The CML seminar series is an ongoing forum for interdisciplinary research based jointly at the Universities of York and Southern Denmark (Odense).

Our speakers this term will be Dale Kedwards (PhD student, University of York), Dr Catharina Peersman (University of Sheffield), and Dr Sarah Bowden (King’s College, London). They will talk on a range of subjects and languages relating to the High Medieval period.

The next seminars in the series will be:-

Wednesday 5 March, 3:15pm

Dr Sarah Bowden (Sheffield): ‘“ze lere den tumben?”: An Investigation into German as a Self-consciously Educative and/or Literary Language in the 12th Century’.

Wednesday 19 March, 9:30am

Dr Catharina Peersman (King's College, London): ‘From Historical Fact to Sociolinguistic Landmark? Creating Identity through Language Use and Perception in Medieval Chronicles narrating 1302’.




Location: K/G86B, King's Manor, Exhibition Square, York
