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Postgraduate Forum

We run fortnightly seminars for postgraduate students, by postgraduate students, inviting speakers from York and from other universities. These take place three to four times a semester on Tuesdays at 4.30pm, and are generally followed by a trip to a local pub. We also run social events for our members. 

All welcome! If you are interested in presenting your research on any aspect of the long eighteenth century, please contact the organisers.

Forum organisers: Ariane Da Silva Palmas, Ash Haslett Cuff, Elizabeth Riddick and Emily Whittingham (

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You can view our upcoming and past events on the Events Calendar.


"...postgraduates have used the Forum as the occasion for giving their first papers, taking advantage of the warmly supportive – but constructively critical – nature of the Forum to build their confidence in publicly discussing their work"