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DNP Enhanced Solid-State NMR for Surfaces, Materials and Pharmaceuticals

Friday 5 June 2015, 12.00PM to 1:00pm

Speaker(s): Dr Aaron Rossini - Iowa State University

High field dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) spectroscopy has emerged as a technique to improve the sensitivity of solid-state NMR spectroscopy by several orders of magnitude. In a DNP experiment the larger polarization of unpaired electrons is transferred to NMR active nuclei. We will show how DNP enhanced solid-state NMR can improve structural characterization of surfaces and inorganic materials1 and “ordinary” organic crystalline solids such as pharmaceuticals.2 Notably, many solids and materials can be remotely polarized by the transport of DNP enhanced 1H polarization by 1H spin diffusion.3 We will also present an overview of our efforts to develop improved biradical polarizing agents.4 Finally, we will also demonstrate some simple strategies for obtaining proton DNP enhancements that approach the theoretical limit of 658.5

Location: Chemistry C/F106
