Thursday 16 January 2020, 2.00PM to 3.00pm
Speaker(s): Alistair McGuire, Department of Health Policy, LSE
Abstract: We examine, through a randomised trial, the impact of an evidenced based health related quality of life (HRQoL) curriculum called Healthy Minds that ran in 34 high schools in England over a four-year period. We find robust evidence that Healthy Minds positively augments many physical health domains of treated adolescents. We also find some evidence that Healthy Minds positively affects behaviour, but has no impact on emotional wellbeing. We find notable gender effects, strongly favouring boys. We also present evidence that Healthy Minds changes career aspirations, with those exposed to treatment being less likely to choose competitive work and more likely to choose work that involves “people-skills”. Overall our work illustrates the potential for later childhood interventions to promote HRQoL and develop the career aspirations of adolescents.
Location: Room ARC/014, The Professor Alan Maynard Auditorium
Who to contact
For more information on these seminars, contact:
Adrian Villasenor
Adrian Villasenor-Lopez
Dacheng Huo
Dacheng Huo
If you are not a member of University of York staff and are interested in attending the seminar, please contact Adrian Villasenor-Lopez or Dacheng Huo so that we can ensure we have sufficient space
CHE Seminar Programme
- Friday 2 December
Sean D. Sullivan, University of Washington