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HTA in the US: ICER and ICERs

Thursday 4 October 2018, 2.00PM to - 3.15pm

Speaker(s): Josh Carlson, Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of Washington

Abstract: HTA in the United States has historically focused on the clinical impact of new interventions. However, recent activities have increased the production and use of value assessments and cost-effectiveness analyses in healthcare decision making. In particular, the Institute for Clinical and Economic Reviews (ICER), modeled in part on NICE, has emerged as an important player in the U.S. healthcare landscape. Dr. Carlson will provide an overview of HTA in the U.S. and lead a discussion about ICER in terms of its structure, processes for generating HTA reports, impact, and ongoing evolution.  

Location: ARRC Auditorium A/RC/014

Who to contact

For more information on these seminars, contact:

Adrian Villasenor
Adrian Villasenor-Lopez
Dacheng Huo
Dacheng Huo

If you are not a member of University of York staff and are interested in attending the seminar, please contact Adrian Villasenor-Lopez or Dacheng Huo so that we can ensure we have sufficient space

CHE Seminar Programme

  • Monday 21 January
    Professor Rachel Baker, Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health
  • Thursday 7 February
    Professor Philip Clarke, The Universities of Melbourne and Oxford
  • Thursday 7 March
    Professor Sonia Bhalhotra, University of Essex 
  • Thursday 4 April 
    Eugenio Zucchelli, Lancaster University
  • Monday 13 May
    Davide Rasella, Fiocruz Brazil
  • Thursday 4 July
    Stephanie von Hinke Kessler Scholder, Bristol University
  • Thursday 5 September
    Jose-Luis Fernandez, LSE 
  • Thursday 3 October
    Soren Rud Kristensen, Imperial
  • Thursday 7 November
    Linda Davies, Manchester University
  • Wednesday 5 December
    Mandy Ryan, HERU, University of Aberdeen