Research students who teach play an important role, adding vibrancy and richness to academic life at York.

The University recognises a duty of care to these graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) and seeks to protect and support them in both their research and their teaching.

A policy on graduate teaching assistants is in place which governs:

  • responsibilities of departments and GTAs
  • the nature of GTA work
  • recruitment and selection
  • training and supervision
  • continuing professional development
  • representation and integration into the academic community
  • the GTA as a postgraduate research student

Departments should be familiar with the whole of this policy and ensure that its requirements are met.

Appointment and rate of pay

GTAs are likely to be used on casual or short-term contracts. You should make yourself familiar with these arrangements.

In addition to the documents they receive through Dashboard, GTAs engaged on a casual basis must be provided by departments with an additional statement of engagement giving specific details of their engagement.

Rates of pay for GTAs have been established and must be used.