

The primary role of the Head of Department (HoD) is to provide leadership to the department. The HoD will demonstrate vision and empower others in order to deliver the departmental strategy. The role holder has overall responsibility for leading and managing the department, supported by relevant academic and administrative management teams.

Main areas of responsibility include:

  • Leadership and management
  • Planning and strategy developments
  • Academic leadership
  • People management
  • Financial/resource management
  • Communications and external relations
  • Statutory compliance
  • Development of academic standing

Appointment to the role is carried out by an open recruitment process. The position is held for a four year term (or six years by agreed extension).

The role holder carries out their Head of Department responsibilities alongside their substantive academic duties. Heads of Department will receive an allowance for the duration of their term as HoD.

Length of role

The term of the HoD role is four years, with the possibility of a two year extension. An extension would only be implemented if there was mutual agreement between the HoD and the VC.

An extension of up to 24 months can be agreed without the need for a recruitment process. Any extension beyond that length would be via successful selection through an open recruitment process.

At the end of the four year term (or six year extended term) the role holder ceases their HoD responsibilities. During the final 6 months in the role, there will be a hand over with the new role holder.

Document control

  • Approved on: 31 May 2015
  • Last reviewed and updated: 20 September 2023