
The aim of the informal approach is to support the individual in achieving an immediate, significant and sustained improvement in performance.

This will involve a meeting where the focus is on how performance can be improved and where the manager communicates this in a positive manner. This is not a disciplinary hearing so representatives and witnesses will not be involved.

Imposed standards and objectives are easily ignored. Changing behaviour can be achieved more effectively by encouraging the individual to:

  • agree that a problem exists
  • take ownership of the problem
  • suggest improvements

If there is doubt about whether expectations have been made clear, address this first. Expectations can relate to behaviours as well as outcomes. It can be helpful to describe the impact a behaviour or approach has, for example, on other people, on productivity or on the delivery of aims and objectives.

Informal steps: summary

The following steps form part of an informal approach to dealing with performance problems, whether relating to capability or conduct.

  1. Be clear about what aspect of an individual's performance is unacceptable by collecting and reviewing relevant evidence
  2. Arrange a meeting to discuss your concerns with the individual, explore the causes more fully, and identify responsibilities
  3. Agree and record actions to be taken
  4. Review progress on a regular basis
  5. Consider what support and development may be needed
  6. Agree with the individual how improvement will be measured