The 2023 PDR Process: Whilst everyone should have the opportunity to have a PDR meeting this year, Senior Leaders have advised all colleagues to take a lighter-touch approach to the 2023 cycle. See guidance on the 2023 PDR process.

Rating Definition


  • All objectives have been achieved or exceeded, with significant and impactful results. Where objectives have not been met, it has been due to agreed changing priorities, which have yielded high quality results.
  • Overall expectations for this role have been exceeded, in very clear ways which have delivered significant and tangible benefits to the department/institution as a whole.
  • The individual creates an environment where others are encouraged and supported to achieve high levels of performance; a clear role model for others in the department.
  • The individual demonstrates the required values and behaviours in all aspects of work, and role models these to others.


  • All objectives have been achieved to a high standard; where these have not been met, it has been due to agreed changing priorities.
  • Overall expectations for the role have been at least met, and delivered benefits for the department/institution as a whole.
  • The individual contributes to creating an environment of high performance and is supportive to colleagues.
  • The individual works consistently in line with the required values and behaviours.


  • Most objectives have been met, to a level of performance which is satisfactory.
  • Overall expectations of the role have been broadly met.
  • The individual generally works in line with the expected values and behaviours.

Needs some improvement

  • Objectives have been only partially met, and this is not due to changing priorities/mitigating circumstances.
  • Performance in at least one key area has fallen short of what is expected.
  • There are several examples of where work has not been carried out in line with the expected values and behaviours.
  • Informal discussions may have been held during the year about performance concerns.

Needs significant improvement

  • Most objectives have not been met, and this has not been due to changing priorities/mitigating circumstances.
  • Performance falls significantly short of what is expected across a number of elements of the role.
  • The individual does not work consistently in line with the expected values and behaviours.
  • Informal or formal performance discussions during the year have not yielded the required improvement.

Staff working to short-term objectives

A rating is required for each individual target and behaviour listed. The ratings scale is:

  • expectations exceeded
  • expectations achieved
  • expectations partly-achieved
  • expectations not achieved