Taking maternity leave

Telling your line manager you are pregnant

You should tell your manager about your pregnancy as soon as you feel comfortable, especially if you have any health and safety concerns.

Completing a risk assessment

You are responsible for completing a Risk Assessment for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Employees form. This should be done as soon as possible so that any risks can be identified and addressed. Once completed pass the risk assessment form on to your line manager. Your line manager is responsible for checking the form and, where appropriate, adding comments to it. The risk assessment should be retained locally by you and your line manager and revisited as and when needed during the pregnancy.

If either you or your line manager have concerns arising from the Risk Assessment and the demands of the job either / both may contact the University's Occupational Health Advisor (Ext 4608) for advice and guidance.

Applying for maternity leave

  1. You must apply for maternity leave by, at least, the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth (EWC) or as soon as is practicable thereafter. Before you apply you'll need to know your EWC and the date you intend to commence maternity leave.
  2. Apply for maternity leave by completing and submitting the form at the bottom of this page
  3. If you have it, you must attach your MATB1 certificate (normally given to you after your 20-week scan) to your application. If you don't have it yet, please seek advice from hr-enquiries@york.ac.uk (HR Services). If you have already submitted your application without the MATB1, as you have received it, you must provide it to HR (you cannot take maternity leave or pay without providing this).
  4. Within 28 days of receipt of the application form HR Services will write to you. Based on the information that you have provided on the application form they will provide confirmation, including the date when your maternity leave will end and the date that you are expected to return to work if you take your full 52 week entitlement. They may ask you to take some further action if this is necessary.

Changing the start date of maternity leave

You may bring forward, or postpone, your maternity leave start date. You must do so in writing and give at least 28 days' notice of the new date (or as soon as is reasonably practicable). Notification must be sent to your line manager, copying in hr-enquiries@york.ac.uk (HR Services).

If your baby is born before the intended start of maternity leave, HR Services should be advised in writing of the baby's date of birth. You, or someone acting on your behalf, must do this as soon as reasonably practicable. Arrangements will then be made for maternity leave and pay to start from the day after the birth.

Apply for maternity leave