expectations network


York 2005

Background Paper: Nik Brown, Conor Douglas, Lena Eriksson, Eugenia Rodrigues, Steve Yearley, Andrew Webster - Researching Expectations in Medicine, Technology and Science: Theory and Method in PDF

Participant interests in PDF


Prof. Barbara Adam - University of Cardiff, UK - adamtime@Cardiff.ac.uk
Dr Martin Bauer - London School of Economics, UK - m.bauer@lse.ac.uk
Dr Mads Borup - Riso National Laboratory, Denmark - mads.borup@risoe.dk
Dr Nik Brown - SATSU/Sociology, University of York, UK - ngfb1@york.ac.uk
Dr Helen Busby - IGBIS, University of Nottingham, UK - helen.busby@nottingham.ac.uk
Conor Douglas - SATSU/Sociology, University of York, UK - cd512@york.ac.uk
Dr Lene Eriksson - SATSU/Sociology, University of York, UK - le502@york.ac.uk
Dr Lisa Garforth - Sociology, University of York, UK - lg109@york.ac.uk
Dr Chris Groves - University of Cardiff, UK - info@bluesmokedesign.plus.com
Dr Adam Hedgecoe - University of Sussex, UK - A.M.Hedgecoe@sussex.ac.uk
Prof. Jenny Kitzinger - University of Cardiff, UK - kitzingerj@cardiff.ac.uk
Dr Kornelia Konrad - CIRUS, Switzerland - kornelia.konrad@eawag.ch
Prof. Lene Koch - University of Copenhagen, Denmark - L.Koch@pubhealth.ku.dk
Dr Alison Kraft - University of Nottingham, UK - Alison.Kraft@nottingham.ac.uk
Dr Harro van Lente - University of Utrecht, The Netherlands - h.vanlente@geog.uu.nl
Dr Paul Martin - IGBIS, University of Nottingham, UK - paul.martin@nottingham.ac.uk
Rutger van Merkerk - University of Utrecht, The Netherlands - r.vanmerkerk@geog.uu.nl
Prof. Mike Michael - Goldsmith's College, UK - mmichael58@hotmail.com
Dr Carlos Novas - London School of Economics, UK - c.novas@lse.ac.uk
Prof. Alan Petersen - University of Plymouth, UK - A.Petersen@plymouth.ac.uk
Prof. Arie Rip - University of Twente, The Netherlands - A.Rip@wmw.utwente.nl
Ms Eugenia Rodrigues - SATSU/Sociology, University of York, UK - mer113@york.ac.uk
Prof. Harry Rothman - University of Nottingham, UK - rothman@biogenic.demon.co.uk
Prof. Andrew Webster - SATSU/Sociology, University of York, UK - ajw25@york.ac.uk
Prof Steve Yearley - SATSU/Sociology, University of York, UK - sy3@york.ac.uk


Researching expectations in medicine, technology and
science - social theory and methodology

Sponsored by the Wellcome Trust

King's Manor - York

18th/19th July 2005

Agenda: Mon 18th (12.15) - Tue 19th (14.30)

Monday 18th

12.15 - 13.00 Arrival and lunch at the King's Manor

13.00 - 13.30 Opening introduction and welcome: Theory and method in the
sociology of futures - Nik Brown

13.30 - 15.00 Session 1: Future Times - temporal theory and the sociological framing of future orientation (Chair: Lena Eriksson)

Barbara Adam - Futures in the Making: Perspectives and Methodological Dilemmas

Andrew Webster - Discussant

15.00 - 15.30 Coffee, tea and cake

15.30 - 17.00 Session 2: Hopes, Hypes and Subjectivities - embodying and disembodying bioscience expectations (Chair: Harro van Lente)

Carlos Novas - Embodying hope, hope embodied: PXE International and the creation of "the next generation of patient advocacy"

Nik Brown, Alison Kraft, Paul Martin - Banking futurity: capitalizing cord blood indemnity

19.00 - 19.30 Drinks reception at the Queen's Hotel

20.00 Dinner - Melton's Restaurant


Tuesday 19th

9.00 - 10.30 Coffee and Session 3: Futures Past - sociologies of utopianism
and dystopianism (Chair: Kornelia Konrad)

Lene Koch - Eugenic promises - approaching a historical case of techno-scientific expectations

Lisa Garforth - No expectations - utopia without a future

11.00 - 11.30 Coffee, tea and cake

11.30 - 12.45 Session 4: Mediating Futures - mass media and public consumption
of bioscience futures (Chair: Conor Douglas)

Alan Petersen - News frames and the politics of expectation: media reporting on neuroscience and biotechnology

Martin Bauer - Resistance and the dynamics of expectations: observations on biotechnology 1973-2002

12.45 - 13.15 Final discussion (Chair: Nik Brown)

Concluding remarks - Steve Yearley

13.15 - 14.30 Lunch followed by optional meetings (on future/continuing
collaborative work)


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