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Award for the Anti-Racism Working Group

Posted on 23 November 2023

Congratulations to Mel and Susy

photo from the Vice Chancellors awards evening

Congratulations to PhD students Mel Williams, Susy Williams and the Anti-Racism Working Group on winning the Vice Chancellor's Inclusivity award for their brave work in challenging racism on campus and beyond.

Mel and Susy said:
"We are absolutely delighted to have been awarded the Inclusive Network Award at the Inclusive Awards Ceremony. The Antiracism Working Group organises several events throughout the year centred on race and intersections with race, and decolonising - both within educational settings and in the wider community. Indeed, at the beginning of the semester, we were awarded the Departmental Athena Swan Initiative Award for our intersectional work in the Politics community here at York. 
We were primarily awarded the Inclusive Network Award this year for the inaugural 'Race' and Socially Engaged Research: Open and Inclusive Conference for PGRs and ECRs, which was held in September 2023. We ran a one-day conference with a cross-institutional team at YSJ and the University of York, made up of PhD students and staff. People travelled from around the country, and we even had a few attendees from across the world! We received some really positive feedback following the conference and have created a wide-reaching network of early career researchers and students who work on 'race'. We hope to build upon it even further in the coming years; next year's conference will be held across two days in June at the University of York. Watch this space for more details soon!"
Twitter: @ARWG_York 
Mel and Susy also wrote a blog post on the work of the Anti-Racism Working Group recently.