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Animal Matters

Saturday 8 June 2024, 10.00AM to 4.30pm

Speaker(s): Christopher Belshaw PhD

Silhouette of a person sitting on a horse, leading another horse, against a sunset background

What should we think about animals? Most of us think that animals matter, and in various ways. But which animals, and in what ways? Is it wrong to kill and eat them? Is it wrong to make them work, or to use them for entertainment, or medicine, or to keep them as pets? If we care about animals, should we want there to be more of them, or fewer? And what about animals that kill and eat other animals? More, or fewer of them? We’ll discuss these, and further questions about our relations to animals.

Tutor: Christopher Belshaw PhD

Term: Summer

Day: Saturday

Time: 10am-4.30pm

Start Date: 08 June 2024

No. of weeks: 1

Full fee: £52 

Register for this course online

Location: University of York Campus, Classroom-based