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Cuauhtémoc Medina: Visit by leading Curator and Scholar of Contemporary Art

Monday 14 December 2009, 9.00AM to 18th December

From 14-18 December 2009, the History of Art department at York will host a visit by Cuauhtémoc Medina, from the Instituto de Investigationes Estéticas at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, one of the foremost curators and scholars of contemporary in Latin American. His many exhibition projects include ‘20 Million Mexicans can’t be Wrong’ (South London Gallery, 2002), ‘The Age of Dissent: Art and Culture in Mexico 1968-1987’ (UNAM, 2007; Pinacoteca do Estado de Sao Paulo, 2008, MALBA, Buenos Aires, 2009) and most recently this year’s Mexican Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, Theresa Margolles ‘What Else Could We Talk About?’ From 2002-8 he was associate curator at Tate Modern, responsible for the acquisition of its first non-European or North American art collections. His regular column in Mexico’s leading quality newspaper, Reforma, has made him perhaps the best known critic in the region. On Monday 14 December, he will be in conversation with Professor Dawn Ades on the subject of, ‘Losing the North: Curating Latin American Art in a Global Context’ (Bowland Lecture Theatre, Berrick Saul Building, 16:15). He will also be holding a seminar with History of Art students on the artist Francis Alÿs, with whom he has regularly collaborated.

Location: History of Art department