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Best Practice in Acute Mental Healthcare

Posted on 30 September 2015

The second meeting of the Best Practice in Acute Mental Health network took place at the University of York.

The event, organised by mental health lecturer Rose Havelock, was aimed at those working in acute mental health settings.

The day included presentations from two key speakers - Geoff Brennan, RMN and Executive Director of Star Wards, who provided an inspiring overview of the "philosophy of marginal gains" and how this relates to improving mental health inpatient wards and Dr Russell Ashmore, from Sheffield Hallam University, presenting his PhD research into the use of nurse's holding power.

Finally, the Department of Health Sciences' Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing, Anita Savage-Grainge, interviewed a local service user who reflected on her recent experience of being detained in hospital.

Future events are being planned for 2016 and if you would like to receive information about them, then please email Rose Havelock (