Accessibility statement

Paul Bond


Research Associate

Paul is a Research Associate in Computational Methods for Structural Biology working with Professor Kevin Cowtan at the York Structural Biology Laboratory. His research interests are in the automation of macromolecular structure solution in crystallography and cryo-EM, with a particular focus on density modification and model building.

Recent Publications

ModelCraft: an advanced automated model-building pipeline using Buccaneer
PS Bond, KD Cowtan
Acta Crystallographica Section D78, 1090 (2022)

Shift-field refinement of macromolecular atomic models
K Cowtan, S Metcalfe, P Bond
Acta Crystallographica Section D, 76, 1192 (2020)

Predicting protein model correctness in Coot using machine learning
PS Bond, KS Wilson, KD Cowtan
Acta Crystallographica Section D, 76, 713 (2020)

See full list of publications